DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-37Logging On/Off
6. You can deactivate INADS alarm origination whenever you log in as craft.
After you supply the terminal typ e information requested, the system
displays the following if alarm origination is activated on the Maintenance
System-Parameters screen:
Unless you are in a special situation, please reduce unnec essary
trouble tickets by always answ ering y to the Suppress Alarm
Origination: [y] prompt.
The default answer is yes. If you do NOT wish to supp ress alarm
origination, enter n. Any other entry de faults to yes. The test inads-link
command works regard less of whether you have overridden INADS alarm
7. Verify that the screen displays:

enter command:
You may enter the desired command, such as dis play station xxxx or
press Help to obtain the list of per missible commands.
System Logoff Procedure
The system logoff procedure should be done any time the termi nal is not being
used. This assures that system translations are not acc identally corrupted . The
monitor system command, when c anceled, automatically c auses a terminal
user to be logged off and, thus, prevents unauthorized use of the terminal. Use
the following proced ure to log off the system:
1. Verify that the screen displays: enter command:
2. Enter logoff and press Enter. The screen displays: login:
If after either logging on as system technician or issuing a system technician
command no add itional command is issued fo r 30 minutes, an automatic
time-out and logoff occ urs. At that time, any alarms in the system previously
unreported to INADS are reported. If you are logged in at two sep arate
administration terminals, the system waits until th e second terminal times out or
until you log off before reportin g such alarms to INADS.

Logoff Notification

alerts system administrators if features that p resent a
significant security ris k are enabled. A message d isplays on the system
administration/maintenance interfa ce. Additionally, the user can be required to
acknowledge the notific ation before the logoff is comp leted.