DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Commands
2-258status conference
Drop Reason Channels disconnect b ecause:
“2-pri” = Administration errors cause mismatc hes in primary-
secondary desig nations for cascade links . This mismatch indicates that
both MCUs are administered as primaries (see “Cascad ing” for a
description of p rimary-secondary c ompatibility).
“2-sec” = Administration errors cause mismatc hes in primary-
secondary desig nations for cascade links. This mismatch shows that
both MCUs are administered as secondaries (see “Casc ading” for a
description of p rimary-secondary c ompatibility).
“Agent” = Reservation agents cause calls to d isconnect (for example,
agents change c onnected dial-out d estination numbers).
“Bandwidth” = Mismatches occ ur when bandwidths of c alls and the
conferences they attempt to join are inconsistent.
“BondHshake” = Unsupported Informat ion channel parameters or
invalid, parameter neg otiations that terminate out of sequence, timers
that expire because sec ondary channels do not estab lish, or BONDing
framing that goes undetec ted for another channels.
“Busy” = The MCU dete cts that the conferee’s terminal equip ment is
busy. An ISDN cause value detec ts this drop reason (for example h0) .
See “Dial-out” for a desc ription of CPTR usage.
“Chair” = Chair Command Disconnect (CCD) or Chair Command Kill
(CCK) signals disconnec t the endpoint.
“Conf End” = The conferenc e ends when the stop time is reached for a
reserved conference or a n active conference c onverts to file.