DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-38Procedure for SPE-Down Mode
Procedure for SPE-Down Mode
Due to fatal hardware and software probl ems, it is possible for a system to g o into
SPE-Down Mode. In this mode, the system invokes emergenc y transfer and does
not provide any other service. Moreover , while in this mode, the software cannot
run at all. However, there are two limited interfac es to the system:
The Processor circuit pack is resp onsible for maintenance and serves as
interface to the system.
The administration terminal, which con nects directly to the p rocessor,
provides a very limited interface to the system. Technicians can d isplay
alarms or restart the system. Only a subset of c ontrol complex alarms
The fol lowin g ar e samp le d isp lays for SPE-D own mo de a nd t he ala rms
**************SPE DOWN MODE*************
You can display alarms and reset system(4).
Figure 1-10 shows all p ossi ble SPE- Down alarm s.
Figure 1-10. Display Alarms command
* The “MAINT” designation is used for PR-MAINT.
The first step is to determine the locati on of the problem. It is possib le for two or
more circuit packs to h ave failed. It is also possibl e for a fatal problem with one
circuit pack to affec t another circuit pac k, especially the Processor c ircuit pack.
All three of the following methods should be employed to determine where the
fatal fault lies.
Physical Logical On Alternate Alarm Date Date
Name Name Board? Name Type Alarmed Resolved
------ PROC_BD y ----- MAJOR ------ ------
------ MEM_BD_0 y ----- MAJOR ------ ------
------ M_BUS y ----- MAJOR ------ ------
------ MAINT* y ----- MAJOR ------ ------