DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-1290XXX-BD (Common Port Circuit Pack)
4. A list configuration command shows that the circ uit pack and
ports are properly insta lled.
If the XXX-BD is not a TN754 Digital Line Circuit Pack (DIG-BD), and if this
error happens again within 15 m inutes, replace the circuit pack. If the
XXX-BD is a TN754 Digital Line Circuit Pack (DIG-BD), check the alarm
level. If the alarm level is a WARNING, this indicates that users are
probably causing the hyperactivity by playing with their digital stations. If
the circuit pack is really hyperactive, this alarm is up graded to a MINOR
alarm within one hour. If the alarm level is a MINOR alarm, replac e the
circuit pack.
k. This error indicates that no neon current is d etected. Run Test #220, Neon
Test, and follow the procedures for Test #220. This error is applicable only
to TN769 and TN746 Analog Line circuit p acks.
l. This error is not service-affecting and no action is required.
m. Error type 3999 indicates that the c ircuit pack sent a larg e number of
control channel messages to the s witch within a short period of time. If
error type 1538 is also present, then the c ircuit pack was taken
out-of-service due to hype ractivity. If error type 1538 is not present, then
the circuit pac k has not been taken out-of-service, b ut it has generated
50% of the messages necessary to be considered hyp eractive. This may
be completely normal during heavy traffic p eriods. However, if this error
type is logged when the circuit pac k is being lightly used , it may indicate a
problem with the circui t pack or the equipm ent attached to it.
System Technician-Demanded Tests: Descriptions
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in Table 3-551 when inspecting
errors in the system. By clearing error c odes associated with the
Control Channel Loop Around Test
, for example, you may also clear errors g enerated from other
tests in the testing sequenc e.
Table 3-551. System Technician-Demanded Tests: XXX-BD
Order of Investigation
Short Test
Long Test
Reset Board
Sequence D/ND1
NPE Audit Test (#50) X ND
Ringing Application Test (#51) (a) X X ND
Control Channel Loop Around Test (#52) X X ND
SAKI Sanity Test (#53) X D
Continued on next page