DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-706INADS (INADS Link)
logged if the test result wa s Command successfully completed and Error
Codes 10 and 11 can b e logged if the test result was Command failed. An
error is also logged ag ainst INADS if the call to INADS finally succeed s. The
INADS software (release 3.2 or later) recognizes this spec ial "test inads" type of
alarm and automatically op ens and then closes a trouble ticket which indic ates
that the reason for the trouble ticket is a co mmand is in progress or the system
has active alarms which must b e reported to INADS. The Command
successfully completed means the switch will start the attempt t o call
INADS in two minutes (the test still runs even if Alarm Origination is d isabled).
The two-minute delay allows a remote INADS technician time enoug h to hang up
the call and thus free up the INADS line so that the switc h can call INADS bac k.
As error conditions are encountered , errors are logged ag ainst INADS. Error
codes 1 t h rough 9 ca n be l o gge d if the t e s t r e s ult was Command successfully
completed and Error Codes 10 and 11 can b e logged if the test result was
Command failed. An error is also logged ag ainst INADS if the call to INADS
finally succeeds. The INADS software (release 3.2 or later) recog nizes this
special "test inads" type of alarm and automatically opens and then closes a
trouble ticket which ind icates that the reason for the trouble tic ket is a test
inads-link command. The trouble ticket alar m contains a TESTING INADS
LINK description field.
After entering the command , it may take as long a nine minutes for the switc h to
place the call and for INADS to respond. The Error Log should b e examined (use
the category inads) 10 minutes after suc cessfully entering the com mand to
determine if the call was suc cessful.
Use Table 3-298 to interpret the Error Log entries.
Table 3-298. INADS Link Error Log Entries Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1 0 The call was successfully placed to INADS. No trouble found.
2 0 Informative error indicating that alarm origination was disabled at the time
of the test. The test runs even if alarm origination is disabled.
1. If Alarm Origination is desired, then enable this feature with the
Maintenance-Related System Parameters Form.
2. Repeat the test.
3 0 The INADS connection is currently in use.
1. Wait 10 minutes and retry this command.
Continued on next page