DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-1044TBRI-PT (TN2185 ISDN Trunk-Side BRI Port)
error. The test passes if the value of the counter is 0 (that is, the e rror is cleared).
If the counter is non-zero, the test fails, and the value of the counter is displ ayed
in the Error Code field.
Receive FIFO Overflow Error Counter Test (#625)
This test is nondestructive. This test reads and clears the BRI por t’s Re cei ve FIFO
Overflow error counter maintained on the TBRI-BD circ uit pack. This counter is
incremented by the circ uit pack when it detec ts an overflow of its receive buffers.
The test passes if the value of the counter is 0 (that is, the error is c leared). If the
counter is non-zero, the test fails, and the valu e of the counter is displayed in the
Error Code field.
This error can occur if signaling frames are being recei ved from the Packet Bus
at a rate sufficient to overflow the receive buffers on the c ircuit pack for a p ort OR
if a hardware fault is causing the rec eive buffers not to be emp tied properly b y
the circuit pac k. This test is useful for verifying the repair of the p roblem.
Table 3-462. TEST #623 CRC Error Counter Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
ANY FAIL This error occurs when a frame with a bad CRC is received over the
D-Channel by the BRI board. This error is reported on a per-port basis
when the counter goes over the threshold. This error is most likely due to a
problem with the wiring or interference on the wiring caused by a noise
source or no termination. It usually does not indicate a problem with the
circuit pack.
PASS The CRC error counter was read correctly and has a value of 0.
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