DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects
3-232ATM-TRK (Circuit Emulation Service Circuit Pack)
a. Error Type 1: the ATM-TRK circuit pack d oes not appear to be in its
assigned slot.
1. Make sure that the ATM-TRK circuit pack is installed correc tly
seated in the slot administered for the ATM trunk.
b. Error Type 18: the ATM circuit pack is busied out.
1. Run release board UUCSS.
c. Error Type 23: an ATM trunk is administered, but the corresponding
ATM-TRK circuit pack does not appear to be physically installed.
1. Make sure the ATM-TRK circuit pack is installed and correctly
seated in the slot.
d. Error Type 125: an ATM trunk is administered but a non-ATM-TRK circuit
pack is installed in the corresponding slo t. You have two options:
Replace the incorrect c ircuit pack with an ATM-TRK circuit pack.
Or re-administer the slot for the circui t pack that is physic ally
present, locate the slot where the ATM-TRK circuit pack is ac tually
installed, and re-admin ister the ATM trunk.
1794(l) 13 None MIN ON
2049(m) 15 None WRN OFF test board UUCSS
2306(n) None
2561(o) Packet interface test
(#598) MIN ON test board UUCSS r 2
2817(p) 1-24 ATM Board DSP test
(#1293) WRN/
MIN ON test b oard UUCSS
2818(p) 1-24 WRN/
MIN ON test b oard UUCSS
3330(q) 3 MIN OFF
3585(r) ATM Board Error Query
test (#1259) WRN/
MIN ON test b oard UUCSS l
3841(s) Any None
3842(t) 11 None
3999(u) Any None
Table 3-101. ATM-TRK Error Log entries — Continued
Data Associated Test
Board Test to Clear Value
Continued on next page