DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects

3-518DIG-LINE (Digital Line)

DIG-LINE Station Lamp Updates Test (#16)

This test lights all lamps on the terminal as sp ecified. The lamp upd ates will run

only if the station is in-service. The status of the station is c hecked and the lamp

updates are bloc ked from taking plac e if the station is not in the in-service state.

This test does not affect the status of the Message Waiting lam p.

2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Rerun the test at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
7 FAIL Conference Test failed on primary channel. In some cases, users may not
notice disruption in service. In extreme cases, conferencing feature may
not work at all.
14 FAIL The primary voice channel is not transmitting properly. User impact may
range from noticing nothing to not being able to use this port.
15 FAIL The control channel between the processor and d igital circuit pack is not
transmitting properly. User impact may range from noticing nothing to not
being able to use the port. Could also be disrup tive to other users.
16 FAIL The secondary voice channel is not transmitting prop erly. User impact may
range from noticing nothing to not being able to use this port.
1. Run circuit pack tests to check the Tone Generator circuit pack and
the Tone Detector circuit pack using the test board PCSSpp
2. Resolve any problems that are detected on the Tone Generator circuit
pack or Tone Detector circuit pack.
3. If the Tone Generator and Tone Detector circuit packs are functioning
properly, and the test still fails, replace the Digital Line circuit pack.
PASS Voice and Control Channel Local Loop test passed. All channels are
transmitting properly.
1. To be sure that this is not an intermittent problem, repeat this test up to
a maximum of 10 times to make sure it continues to pass.
2. If complaints persist (noisy connections for voice, c orrupted data for
data transfer), examine the station, connections, and wiring.
Table 3-218. TEST #13 Voice and Control Channel Local Loop Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page