DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance for csi systems
1-98TN760D Tie Trunk Option Settings
Rate fields show initial and current transfer rates, respectively. For each 64-kbps
endpoint the column that in dicates Rate Adapt shows an n if the endpoint did
not follow the procedures as spec ified by the H.221. If an end point shows y, it did
successfully rate adap t. If an endpoint shows c, it joined the conference at
Once the conference rate ad apts, the endpoints that do not properly follow sui t,
will become audio-only end points. A conferenc e will not rate adapt from 56 kbp s
back to 64 kbp s until all endpoints d isconnect from the conferenc e and it idles.
The PictureTel 1000 Release 1.1C, PictureTel 6.01 software, and the Vistium 2.0
software successfully rate adap t with the MCU. External rate adaptation
techniques used b y VTEL and CLI are known to cause problems with the
endpoint when used with this fe ature.

Endpoint or I-MUX in Loopback Mode

Some endpoints have a loopba ck enable feature. This makes DEFINITY MMCH
data loopback at the MMCH when a connection is in progress. The loopback can
be enabled p rior to or during a conne ction.
The MMCH does not detect the loop and continues to VAS. In most scenarios,
the switch occurs, b ut within a few seconds, the b roadcaster’s return video
becomes its own image. Onc e the broadc aster stops speaking, the system
“false” switches to an ap parently random p ort that was not speaking.
TN760D Tie Trunk Option Settings
The TN760D Tie Trunk circuit pac k interfaces between 4 tie trunk s and the TDM
bus. Two tip and ring pairs for m a 4-wire analog transmission line. An E and M
pair are DC signaling lead s used for call setup . The E-lead receives signals from
the tie trunk and the M-lead transmits sig nals to the tie trunk.
To choose the preferred signaling format (Table 1-10 and Table 1-11), set the
switches on the TN760D and administer the port using Figure 1-28 and Table