DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
About This Book
Each DEFINITY System has a user-designated System Manager who is
responsible for system administr ation and with whom the maintenance
technician should work c losely.
This book is not intended to solve all l evels of troubles. It is limited to troub les that
can be solved by using the Alarm Log, Error Log, trouble-clearing procedures,
maintenance tests, and trad itional troubleshooting method s. If the trouble still has
not been resolved, it is the responsi bility of the maintenance techn ician to
escalate the problem to a hig her level of technical sup port. Escalation should
conform to the proced ures in the

Technical and Administration Escalation Plan

This book consists of two volumes: Volume 1 contains Chapters 1 and 2; Volume
2 contains Chapter 3.
Chapter 1, ‘‘Maintenance for cs i systems’’ describes the system’s design
and maintenance strategy, includ ing circuit pac ks, how power is supplied
to the system, the various reset and reboot p rocesses (and how these
processes are used to p erform maintenance and to recover systems or
subsystems that are out of service), c ommon maintenance tasks
(including removing and installing c ircuit packs, removing and restoring
power, system backup s, upgradin g software, and various testing and
troubleshooting proced ures), and interpreting circuit pack L EDs.
Chapter 2, ‘‘Maintenance Commands ’’ explains how to use the
maintenance commands i ncluding sp ecific command syntax, typical
forms, and display outp ut.
Chapter 3, ‘‘Maintenance Objec ts’’ has specific troubleshooting and rep air
instructions for every maintenanc e component in the system. This cha pter
also contains repair proc edures for system-alarmed and user- reported
troubles. For each Maintenance Ob ject (MO), a table lists the alar m level,
hardware error associated with the MO, the ass ociated test that caused
the error, the test sequences and the specific c ommand line entry
required to run the tests, and a b rief description of eac h test. Explanations
of error codes associated with each test are given along with specific
maintenance proced ures used to resolve each prob lem.
The individual maintenance ob jects are labeled with the name of t he MO
exactly as the name appear s in the Alarm Log; for example, MAIN T (for
Maintenance circuit pa ck). The only exception is the Common Port Circuit
Pack t hat us es “ XXX-BD” for it s main tena nce n ame. Th e XXX-BD s ect ion
contains a set of common tests used by certain c ircuit packs listed in the
section. The common portion of th ese circuit pac ks is the generic
hardware that interfaces with the Time Division Multip lex (TDM) Bus.