DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects

3-167ATM-EI (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)

Expansion Interface Lock Query Test (#304)

This test is non-destructive and is used to query the ATM and EI circuit pac ks

(both active and stand by) for its status concerning lock to the backplane system

clock. It is run as par t of periodic, sc heduled, initialization, and error analys is

40MM FAIL Failure code only applies to a system equipped with an ATM Switch. The
letters “MM” refer to the distant or far-end port network (PN), and “NN” to
the near-end ATM-EI under test.
The test failed for the first connection from the ATM-EI board under test
to another EPN, and the test tone was detected correctly in the reverse
direction (data sent from the MM port network was detected correc tly in
the port network in which the circuit pack under test resides), but not the
opposite direction.
1. Test for the Active Tone-Clocks on the MM PN and the PN in which
the ATM-EI under test resides. This determines if dial tone is
2. Ensure that the ATM address of the active ATM-EI circuit pack in port
network MM matches the ATM address on the ATM switch for the
port to which this circuit pack is c o nnec ted. Refer to the ‘‘ATM Tips’’
section in Chapter 1 for the procedure to check the ATM port
address on the ATM switch.
3. Run this Test #241 on the active ATM-EI in port network MM. If this
test fails with Error Code 20NN or 40NN, go back to Step 2.
If the address was the same, replace the active ATM-EI circuit pack
on port network MM.
If this test fails with Error Code 10NN or 30NN, replace ATM-E I circuit
pack with the initial problem.
PASS Tone successfully transmitted in both directions. Both ATM-EI boards
and their lightwave transceivers are functioning properly.
BOARD No board was detected by the test.
1. Resolve either wrong board (Error 125) or no board (Error 131)
2. Check that the board is properly translated and inserted. If so, c heck
for hyperactivity (Error 1538). If hyperactive, use the reset board
UUCSS command.
3. Run the test again. If it fails, the ID chip on board may be bad.
Replace the board and retest.
Table 3-67. Expansion Interface 2-way Transmission Test (#241) — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page