DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Maintenance for R8.2csi
555-233-119 Issue 1
April 2000
Maintenance Objects

3-359CLAN-BD (Control LAN Circuit Pack)

Receive FIFO Overflow Error Counter Test (#596)

This test is non-destructive. When the CLAN circ uit pack detec ts packet bus

buffer overflow, it increments the error on the FIFO Overflow error counter. This

test reads and clears the c ounter.

If errors are: Then they may be due to:
Occasional Statistical buffer sizing
Persistent Circuit pack congestion that requires redistrib ution of traffic load
Table 3-157. TEST #596 Receive FIFO Overflow Error
Counter Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
2000 ABORT Did not receive circuit pack test response within the allowable time period .
1. Retry command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2. If the problem persists, reset the circuit pack (reset board UUCSS).
3. If the problem persists, replace the circuit p ack.
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run test.
2500 ABORT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2. If the problem persists, escalate the problem.
1-10 FAIL Circuit pack detects overflow errors. The error code indicates the value of the
on-board error counter.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2. If the test continues to fail, execute the Packet Interface Test (#598) (test
board UUCSS).
3. If Packet Interface Test (#598) fails, refer to Packet Bus repair procedures.
PASS Circuit pac k detects no errors.