Parameters stack-unit
Unique ID of the stack unit to select a particular stack
member and then enter one of the following command
options to display a collection of data based on the option
snapshot unit
Display the historical snapshot of buffer statistical values
unit Enter the keyword unit along with a port-pipe number,
then the keyword counters to display the counters on the
selected port-pipe. The range is 0 to 0.
resource XBuffer and traffic manager resources usage, where X can be
one of the following:
All - Ingress and Egress resources snapshots
Port {id |all} queue {all} - egress queue-level snapshot for
both unicast and multicast packets
Port {id |all} queue ucast {id | all} - egress queue-level
snapshot for unicast packets only
Port {id |all} queue mcast {id | all} - egress queue-level
snapshot for multicast packets only
Port {id |all} prio-group {id | all} - ingress priority-group
level snapshot
history YHistorical snapshot details of buffer space statistics, where Y
can be one of the following:
Instance {all | id} - Displays the information for all
instances or the specified instance of the snapshot.
Summary - Displays the consolidated information
pertaining to the preceding three instances of the
snapshot values collected in history.
Modes EXEC
EXEC Privilege
History Version Description
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON.
9.3(0.0) Introduced on the S6000 platform.
Information When you enter the instance alloption, show hardware stack-unit
stack-unit-number buffer-stats-snapshot unit 0 resource X output
for all available instances on the history collection is displayed.
Data Center Bridging (DCB) 511