timer retry

Syntax timer retry interval

undo timer retry

View Public instance MSDP view, VPN instance MSDP view

Parameter interval: Interval between MSDP peer connection retries, in seconds. The effective range is 1 to 60.

Description Use the timer retry command to configure the interval between MSDP peer connection retries.

Use the undo timer retry command to restore the default setting.

By default, the interval between MSDP peer connection retries is 30 seconds.

Related command: display msdp peer-status.

Example # Set the MSDP peer connection retry interval to 60 seconds in the public instance.

<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] msdp [Sysname-msdp] timer retry 60

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3Com MSR 30, MSR 50 manual Timer retry, Syntax timer retry interval Undo timer retry