if-match mpls-exp

Syntax if-match [ not ] mpls-exp exp-value-list

undo if-match [ not ] mpls-exp

View Class view

Parameters exp-value-list: EXP value list, in the range 0 to 7. Users can input the eight values repeatedly.

Description Use the if-matchmpls-expcommand to configure the matching rule for EXP domain of MPLS.

Use the undo if-matchmpls-expcommand to delete the matching rule.

If this command is frequently configured under one class, the last configuration will overwrite the previous ones.

Related commands: traffic classifier.

Examples # Define the rule to match the packet whose EXP is 3 or 4.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] traffic classifier database

[Sysname-classifier-database] if-match mpls-exp 3 4

qos cql protocol mpls exp

Syntax qos cql cql-indexprotocol mpls exp exp-valuequeue queue undo qos cql cql-indexprotocol mpls exp exp-value

View System view

Parameters cql-index: Group number of custom queuing list (CQL), in the range 1 to 16.

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3Com MSR 50, MSR 30 manual 123, Mpls QOS Configuration Commands, If-match mpls-exp, Qos cql protocol mpls exp, 1857