ssh client authentication server

Syntax ssh client authentication server server assign publickey keyname

undo ssh client authentication server server assign publickey

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Parameter server: IP address or name of the server, a string of 1 to 80 characters.

assign publickey keyname: Specifies the name of the host public key of the server, which is a string of 1 to 64 characters.

Description Use the ssh client authentication server command to configure the host public key of the server so that the client can determine whether the server is trustworthy.

Use the undo ssh authentication server command to remove the configuration.

By default, the host public key of the server is not configured, and when logging into the server, the client uses the IP address or host name used for login as the public key name.

Example # Configure the public key of the server with the IP address of to be key1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ssh client authentication server assign rsa-key key1

ssh client first-time enable

Syntax ssh client first-time enable

undo ssh client first-time

View System view

Parameter None

Description Use the ssh client first-time enable command to enable the first authentication function.

Use the undo ssh client first-timecommand to disable the function.

By default, the function is enabled.

When an SSH client tries to access a server whose public host key it does not know for the first time, the first authentication function enables it to access the server and obtain and save the public host key of the server. When the client accesses the

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3Com MSR 30, MSR 50 manual Ssh client authentication server, Ssh client first-time enable