nThe support for these two commands varies with device models.
These two commands apply to CT1/PRI interfaces and CE1/PRI interfaces only.
Example # Set the error packet detect timer to 100 seconds, the renew timer to 2400
seconds, and the error packet ratio threshold to 15.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] error-diffusion restraint config 100 2400 15

error-diffusion restraint enable

Syntax error-diffusion restraint enable
undo error-diffusion restraint enable
View System view
Parameter None
Description Use the error-diffusion restr aint enable command to enable error packets
diffusion restraint.
Use the undo error-diffusion restraint enable command to disable this
By default, error packets diffusion restraint is enabled.
nThe support of these two commands varies with device model.
These two commands apply to CT1/PRI interfaces and CE1/PRI interfaces only.
Example # Enable error packets diffusion restraint.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] error-diffusion restraint enable

error-diffusion restraint restart-channel

Syntax error-diffusion restraint restart-channel serial interface-number:set-number
View System view
Parameter serial interface-number:set-number: Number of channel formed by bundling
CE1/PRI interfaces, where interface-number is the number of the CE1/PRI
interface, set-number is the number of the channel set.
Description Use the error-diffusion restr aint restart-channe l command to restart the
channel that has been shut down for the sake of error packets diffusion restraint.