<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface e3 2/0

[Sysname-E3 2/0] e1 1 bert pattern qrss time 10

e1 channel-set

Syntax e1 line-numberchannel-set set-numbertimeslot-list list undo e1 line-numberchannel-set set-number

View CE3 interface view

Parameter line-number: E1 line number in the range 1 to 16.

set-number: Number of the channel set formed by a timeslot bundle on the E1 line. It ranges from 0 to 30.

timeslot-listlist: Specifies timeslots to be bundled. The list argument is timeslot numbers, in the range of 1 to 31. You may specify a single timeslot by specifying a number, a range of timeslots by specifying a range in the form of number1-number2, or several discrete timeslots by specifying number1, number2-number3.

Description Use the e1 channel-setcommand to bundle timeslots on an E1 line.

Use the undo e1 channel-setcommand to remove a timeslot bundle.

By default, no timeslots are bundled into channel sets.

A CE3 interface can be channelized into 64 kbps lines and the timeslots on each

E1 line can be bundled into up to 31 channels.

When an E1 line operates in framed (CE1) mode, you can bundle timeslots on it into channel sets. For each channel set, the system automatically creates a serial interface numbered serial number/line-number:set-number. For example, the serial interface formed by channel set 0 on the first E1 line on E3 1/0 is numbered 1/0/1:0. This interface can operate at N 64 kbps and is logically equivalent to a synchronous serial interface on which you can make other configurations.

Related command: e1 unframed.

Example # Create a 128 kbps serial interface on the first E1 channel on interface E3 2/0.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] controller e3 2/0

[Sysname-E3 2/0] e1 1 channel-set 1 timeslot-list 1,2

e1 set clock

Syntax e1 line-numberset clock { master slave }

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3Com MSR 30, MSR 50 E1 channel-set, E1 set clock, Related command e1 unframed, Syntax e1 line-numberset clock master slave