<Sysname> display natpt address-mapping
NATPT address mapping(v6bound view):
IPv4 Address IPv6 Address Type 3001::0001 SOURCE 3001::0002 DESTINATION
NATPT V6Server static mapping:
IPv4Address IPv6 Address Pro^ 6 3001::0003^ 1270 TCP
display natpt aging-time

Syntax display natpt aging-time

View Any view
Parameter None

Description Use the display natpt aging-time command to display the timeout time for a

NAT-PT connection.

Example # Display the timeout time for a NAT-PT session.

<Sysname> display natpt aging-time
NATPT aging-time value information:
tcp -------aging-time value is 86400 (seconds)
udp -------aging-time value is 40 (seconds)
icmp -------aging-time value is 20 (seconds)
dns -------aging-time value is 10 (seconds)
syn -------aging-time value is 240 (seconds)
finrst -------aging-time value is 5 (seconds)
frag -------aging-time value is 5 (seconds)

Table184 Description on fields of the display natpt address-mapping command

Field Description
NATPT address mapping (v6bound
view) Displays the static and dynamic IPv6-to-IPv4 mapping.
Type Indicates whether the connection is initiated by an IPv6
host or an IPv4 host. If initiated by an IPv6 host, the IPv6
address is the source address. Otherwise, it is the
destination address. In the example, 3001::0001 is the
source address and is the destination address.
NATPT V6Server static mapping Displays the NAT-PT address/port mapping.
IPv4Address IPv4 address and port number
IPv6 Address IPv6 address and port number
Pro Protocol type

Table185 Description on fields of the display natpt aging-time command

Field Description
tcp -------aging-time value is 86400 The timeout time for a TCP packet is 86400 seconds.
udp -------aging-time value is 40 The timeout time for a UDP packet is 40 seconds.