nA file name cannot be longer than 64 characters (including drive letter and a
string terminator. If the drive letter is “CF: /”, the file name can be at most
[ 64-1-4 ] = 59 characters in length; or, errors will occur in file operation.
Typically, the file name is recommended to be not more than 16 characters.
A file name cannot contain ASCII characters (ASCII>=128) or invisible
characters (ASCII<33).
A filename cannot contain characters such as """, "’", “?”, "", “Space”, “*”, “|”,
“<““/”, “:”, “>” or “~”.
." can be included in a filename, but it cannot be the first or the last character
of the filename and there cannot be two consecutive “.”s.
Syntax cd directory
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Parameter directory: Name of the target directory.
Description Use the cd command to change the current directory.
Example # Change the current directory to cf:.
<Sysname> cd cf:
# Return to the upper directory.
<Sysname> cd ..
# Return to the root directory.
<Sysname> cd /


Syntax copy fileurl-source fileurl-dest
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