By default, information output to the log buffer is enabled with channel 4 (logbuffer) as the default channel and a maximum buffer size of 512.

Note that the info-center logbuffer command takes effect only after the information center is enabled with the info-center enable command.

Example # Enable the system to output information to the log buffer with a default buffer size of 50.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] info-center logbuffer size 50

info-center logfile enable

Syntax info-center logfile enable

undo info-center logfile enable

View System view

Parameter None

Description Use the info-center logfile enable command to enable the output of system information to the log file.

Use the undo info-center logfile enable command to disable the output of system information to the log file.

By default, the output of system information to the log file is enabled.

n The support for the command varies with devices.

Example # Enable the log file feature.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] info-center logfile enable

info-center logfile frequency

Syntax info-center logfile frequency freq-sec

undo info-center logfile frequency

View System view

Parameter freq-sec: Frequency with which the system saves the log file, in the range 1 to 86,400 seconds. The value is with devices.

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Image 2435
3Com MSR 50, MSR 30 Info-center logfile enable, Info-center logfile frequency, Example # Enable the log file feature, 2435