Negotiated Hello Timer


45 Sec

Hello Message Sent/Rcvd


3/2 (Message Count)


Table 376 Description on the fields of the display mpls ldp remote-peer command





LDP Remote Entity Information

Information about the remote LDP peer

Remote Peer Name

Name of the remote peer

Remote Peer IP

IP address of the remote peer


Local LDP identifier

Transport Address

Transport address of the remote peer

Configured Keepalive Timer

Targeted Keepalive timer of the peer

Configured Hello Timer

Targeted Hello timer of the peer

Negotiated Hello Timer

Negotiated Hello timer

Hello Message Sent/Rcvd

Sent: Number of Hello messages sent by


the remote peer


Rcvd: Number of Hello messages received


by the remote peer



display mpls ldp session

Syntax display mpls ldp session [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name[ verbose ] ] [ peer-id] [

{begin exclude include } regular-expression]

display mpls ldp session [ all ] [ verbose ] [ { begin exclude include } regular-expression ]

View Any view

Parameter all: Displays all information.

vpn-instance-name: Name of the VPN instance, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. Specify this argument to display information about all sessions of a specified VPN.

peer-id: LSR ID of the peer.

verbose: Displays detailed information.

: Filters the output information.

begin: Begins with the specified string.

include: Includes the specified string.

exclude: Excludes the specified string.

regular-expression: Regular expression, a string of 1 to 80 characters. No blank space is acceptable.

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