DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-10Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification
To Remove a Login
To remove a login from the system:
1. Enter the command remove login [login name].
The system displays the Login Ad ministration form.
2. Press the Enter key to remove the login, or press Cancel to exit the remove
login procedure witho ut making a change.
To Test a Login
1. Enter your login name at the login promp t.
Screen 3-4. Login Prompt Form
After the user enters the correct log in name and password and the login is
administered correc tly, the system displays the command line i nterface.
Administering Customer Logins and ForcedPassword AgingAdding Customer Logins and Assigning InitialPassword
To add a customer login you must be a sup er-user, have administrative
permissions, and:
1. Enter the add login [name] command to access th e Login Administration
2. Enter your super-user password in the Password o f Login Making Change
field on the Login Administr ation form.
The 3- to 6-character login name (c haracters 0-9, a-z, A-Z) entered with
the add login [name] command is disp layed in the Login’s Name field .
3. Enter customer in the Login Type field. The system default for the
Login Type field is customer. The maximum number of customer log ins
of all types is 11.
Login: telmgr