DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-665DS1 CONV-BD
firmware control until the board has estab lished a link to the SPE via the EI or SNI.
Once the link is established , software controls the three LEDs. If the link breaks,
the LEDs are again under firmware control.
The red and green LEDs have the traditional use where red means an alarm
condition and g reen indicates that maintenance testing is in progress. The red
and green LED is also turned on d uring circuit pac k initialization by firmware.
When the control link to the circuit pac k is lost, firmware controls the red LED to
indicate an alarm con dition.
The yellow LED under firmware control is used to ind icate the state of the
physical Fiber Interfac e, the Fiber Channel (link to EI or SNI), the DS1 Control
Channel (link to opposite DS1 CONV board) and the SPE comm unica tions link in
the following manner and order of p riority. (The yellow LED remains on for longer
periods of time as the DS1 CONV Complex becomes closer to being fully
1. If the Fiber is Out of Frame or if a Fiber Loss of Signal condition exists, the
yellow LED will flicker at a 5 Hz rate (on for 100 mS, off for 100 mS).
2. If the Fiber Channel is down (DS1 Converter circu it pack/fiber endp oint
communications), the yellow LED will flash at a 1 Hz rate (on for 500 mS,
off for 500 mS).
3. If the DS1 Control Channel is down between the two DS1 CONVs in the
DS1 CONV Complex, the yellow LED will pulse at a 1/2 Hz rate (on for 1
second, off for 1 second ).
4. If t he SPE com munic ation s link is dow n, the yellow LED wil l wink o ff eve ry
2 seconds for 200 ms (2 sec onds on, 200 mS off).
5. If all is well with the Fiber Interface and all communications channels, the
yellow LED will remain on continuously in a Standard Reliabil ity and High
Reliability System configuration. In Critic al Reliability systems (duplic ated
PNC), an active DS1 CONV circuit pack will have its yellow LED on
continuously, and a standby DS1 CONV circuit p ack will have its yellow
LED off. The LED will then be under software control.
The bottom four green LEDs on the TN574 DS1 CONV board are under hardware
control. The four green LEDs indicate, for each DS1 CONV facility, whether a
receive signal is present for the D S1 facility
The next four LEDs on the TN1654 DS1 CONV board are labeled STATUS LEDs
and are for future use. These LEDs will not be lit.
The bottom four LEDs on the TN1654 board are labeled SPAN LE Ds. T hese LE Ds
are under firmware control. If the facili ty is not administered, then the LED is not
lit. The LED is lit amber if the facility is running alarm free. If the f acility is
detecting either a red alarm (loss-of-signal or loss-of-frame), a yellow alarm
(remote frame alarm) or a blue alarm (AIS signal) then the L ED is lit red. The
SPAN SELECT Switch on the TN1654 faceplate is for future use. Pushing the
switch will have no affect on the b oard.