DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1456SNI-BD (SNI Circuit Pack)
3. Run test led switch-node on each administered switch no de carrier and
verify that the LEDs on the correct carrier are lit.
4. If they are not, check the co nnectivity to the switch nod e carrier that does
not light the LEDs as expected .
Incorrectly Connected Administered SNI-SNI Fibers between 3 Switch Nodes
If the system has more than 2 switch nodes, SNI-SNI fibers ad ministered
between 2 switch nodes c ould be inc orrectly connected to a third switch node.
This is a problem that could oc cur during installation or when inter-switch node
fibers are changed . For multiple fibers to a distant switc h node (not the PPN
switch node), an incorrec t connection would not appear as a prob lem unless this
fiber is used for a system-link to a p ort network connected to the distant switch
node. The status system-link command can be used to d etermine the boards
and fiber-links in the path from t he PPN to a specific port network. A sp ecific
SNI-SNI fiber connection must be in the system -link path to be chec ked with the
port network LED test.
One method to force an SNI-SNI fiber connec tion to be used as a system-link is
to physically remove all SNI-SNI connections exc ept the fiber-link being tested at
the distant switch node b y physical removing SNI boards in the distant SWItch
1. Use the status system-link command to verify that this fiber selec ted for
test is in the path to the EPN connected to the distan t switch node that will
be used for the LED test.
2. Run the test led sequence to a port network as des cribed abov e to verify
this fiber connection.
3. Repeat this procedure for eac h of the other SNI-SNI fibers terminating on
this distant switch node.
Another method for testing multip le fiber connections to a distant switch node is
described below.
1. Use the list fiber-link command to determine the numb er of SNI-SNI
fibers that are administered and terminating on this switch node.
2. Run the test led port-network command on a port networ k connected to
this distant switch node and verify that the LEDs on the correct p ort
network are lit.
3. Use the status system-link command and selec t the active EI in the port
network connected to the d istant switch node b eing tested. This disp lay
will show the path from the PPN and the SNI-SNI fiber being used i n this
4. If they are not lit, check that the fib er connections to the p ort network are
consistent with the administered fi bers (list fiber-link) that does not lig ht
the LEDs as expected.