DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-9Replacing SPE Circuit Packs
5. Power down the standby proc essor carrier by:
a. Remove the power plug from the left side of the c arrier first.
b. Remove the second power p lug from the right side of the carrier.
6. Remove the failed circuit pac k and replace it with a new on e of the same
7. Power up the standby processor carrier by:
a. Insert the power plug in the rig ht side of the carrier first.
b. After inserting the first p ower plug in the right insert th e second
power plug in the left sid e of the carrier.
The red and green LEDs will light indi cating restoration of power and
testing of the boards. These LEDs will go out as test s pass.
8. This step is optional. Use a terminal and the SPE- down i nter face t o test the
standby SPE as follows.
If a terminal is connected to the STANDBY connector on the back of either
PPN control carrier, the power-up reboot of the stan dby aborts and the
SPE-Down interface can then be used to enter c ommands to the LMM
firmware. Use t al, or t he SPE-Do wn int erfac e tes t comm and f or the
replaced comp onent, to confirm that the prob lem is fixed. Repair any
failures reported.
When te sting is fin ished , mov e the SPE- Selec t switc hes t o the A UTO
one at a time
. This unlocks the standby and begin a reboot whic h
can be monitored from the terminal.
9. Verify that the standby is up.
Regular flashing of the yellow LED on the Processor board indicates that
the standby SPE is up and cyc ling. If the yellow LED is not flashing after
five minutes, test the standby SPE as described in the above step. Relock
the SPE standby, attach a terminal to the STANDBY connector on the back
of eit her PPN c ontro l car rier an d exe cute the SPE-d own in terfa ce tes ts. Al l
tests must pass before unlockin g.
10. If the sta ndb y SPE is st ill lo cked , unlo ck it by re turni ng bo th SPE-Sel ect
switches to the AUTO position
one at a time
11. Enter status spe to confirm that handshake is up. This should o ccur within
2 minutes. When it is, enter the test long clear command for the replac ed
component. If an alarm d oes not clear, consult the app ropriate MO.
12. Verify that the standby SPE is brought into service.
Enter status spe. Th e stan dby SPE is ful ly op erati onal w hen ha ndsha ke is
up, shadowing is on, and memory is refreshed. It can take up to 10
minutes after unlocking for the stand by to be brought full y into service.
13. If the sta ndb y SPE doe s not f ully re turn t o serv ice, cons ult ‘‘STBY-SPE
(Standby SPE Maintenance)’’.