DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-22Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure
After replacing an SNI circ uit pack, clear alarms by executing test
board UUCSSlong clear for all alarm ed EXP-I NTF ci rcui t pac ks.
Wait 5 minutes for any SNI-BD or SNI-PEER alarms to clear. (You
can speed this p rocess with clear firmware counters [a-pnc |
b-pnc] for the PNC that was repaired).
Exit this procedure.
3. Enter list fiber-link to get the physical location of the fib er-link endpoints.
If a DS1 CONV is administered to the fiber-link (DS1 CONV i s “y”), use th e
display fiber-link command to get the p hysical location of the DS1 CONV
circuit packs on the fiber-link.
4. Execute busyout fiber-link FP followed by test fiber-link FP long.
If any tests in the sequence fail
, proceed with step 5.
If all of the tests pass
, clear alarms by executi ng test board UUCSS long
clear for al l alar med EXP-INTF c ircu it pa cks. Wait 5 mi nutes for an y
SNI-BD, SNI-PEER, FIBER-LK, or DS1C-BD alarms to clear. You can
speed this proce ss with clear firmware counters [a-pnc | b-pnc] for the
PNC that was repaired. You are finished with this procedure.
Error Type SNI slot
257 3
513 4
769 5
1025 6
1281 7
1537 8
1793 9
2049 13
2305 14
2561 15
2817 16
3073 17
3329 18
3585 19
3841 20