DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1148PDATA-PT (Packet Data Line Port)
1. Enter display port UUCSSpp to find out what kind of port this is. Record
the extension and the identific ation field. The identification field likely
indicates a system-por t or another type of data-modul e.
If the port is a system port,
enter status data-module ext. Record the
Data Line or PDATA port. If there is a connected port do the follo wing:
a. Record the location of the c onnected port.
b. Run display port UUCSSpp for the connected por t and record the
identification and exten sion for the port.
If the port is an announcement p ort,
skip this step. Otherwise,
determine whether the port’s extens ion is administered as an
application extension. Do th is by executing eac h command in
column 4 of the table below, c hecking the extension admi nistered
for that application ag ainst the port’s extension.
For each port and app lication located , check the alarm and error logs for
entries against these MOs. Follow repair proc edures for MOs with log
entries. In situations where no connected ports were listed, test eac h
application link to ensure that mo re than one problem wasn’t involved .
3. If the port is not a system por t, enter status data-module ext and record
the connected p orts, if any are present.
4. Locate the applic ation affected by enter ing each command in column 4 of
the table below and c hecking the administe red extension. The extension
might be used as a remote G3-MT or d ata terminal.
5. If the status data-module d isplay indicates no c onnected por ts, follow the
steps in
Testing the Sys tem Po rt Pool
above to verify that the system ports
are working. If connected ports were displaye d, enter display port
UUCSSpp using the connected port disp layed. Record the assoc iated
PDATA port .
6. For each port and ap plication located , check the alarm and error logs for
entries against these MOs. Follow the repair proc edures for MOs with log
entries. In situations where no connected ports were listed, test eac h
application link to ensure that mo re than one problem wasn’t involved .
7. Enter list sys-link and look for a SAP type link with a port location that
matches the PDATA port. Check the alarm and error logs for entries
agai nst th e SYS-LIN K. Fol low re pair proc edu res fo r SYS-LIN K pro ble ms.