DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1795TONE-BD (Tone-Clock Circuit Pack)
a. Refer to XXX-BD for descriptions of these tests.
b. Refer to TONE-PT for descriptions of these tests.
c. Refer to TDM-CLK for descriptions of these tests.
d. This test runs only on the standby Tone-Clock circuit p ack in a Port
Network with duplicat ed Tone-Clocks (High or Critical Reliability sy stems).
The circuit pack must b e a TN780 with firmware version 2 or above.
Clock Health Inquiry Test (#46)
This inquiry reads spec ial data stored in memory to d etermine if this Tone-Clock
circuit pack had a loss of any of three clock typ es:
If this data indicates this Tone-Clock circuit pack had a los s of any of these
clocks, the inquiry rep orts FAIL. In addition, if TDM-CLK error 1 is at threshold,
this test will FAIL. TDM-CLK error 1 indicates a suspect cl ock is at the edge of its
specified freq uency. If the circuit pack did not have a loss of cloc k or TDM-CLK
error 1 at threshold, the inquiry reports PASS.
This is not really a test, in the sense that it simply reports stat us held by the
system, and does not gene rate new information or raise alarms. If this test fails
with no error code, there is at least one Major alar m against a Tone-Clock circuit
pack. If this test fails with an error cod e of 1, there is at least one Minor off-board
alarm against a TDM-CLK.
TDM Bus Clock PPM Inquiry Test
(#150)(c) XX ND
TDM Bus Clock Parameter Update Test
(#151) (c) XX ND
Board Type Check Test (#574) (c) X X ND
Standby Reference Health Check Test
(#651) (c,d) XND
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestruc tive
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence Reset Board
Sequence D/ND1