DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
The switch sent a message to the endpoint which did not respond in the
allotted time. This can happ en occasionally due to fa ilure of the
point-to-point signaling link or because of a p roblem in the BRI endpoint or
ASAI adjunct or Lucent adj unct. Execute the test station extension sh
command and p ay particular attention to the results of the BRI Layer 3
Query Test (#629). If this test fails, follow the repair procedure for Test
b. This error type indicates that the c ircuit pack has b een removed or has
been insane for more than 11 minutes. To clear the error, replace or
reinsert the circuit pac k.
c. This error occurs when the endpoint d oes not respond to the service sta te
query message sent to the ad junct or the endpoin t. This error causes an
alarm to be raised. The alarm is retired when the switch receives a
response to the service state qu ery to the endpoint or the ad junct.
For BRI end points, the Aux Data field for thi s error contains ‘‘0.’’ When it
occurs, execute the test sta tio n extensi on sh c ommand and p ay
particular attention to the results of the BRI Layer 3 Quer y Test (#629). If
this test fails, follow the repair proce dure for Test #629.
Aux Data Timer Type
2 First T303 (SETUP timer)
3 Second T303 (SETUP timer)
4 T305 (DISConnect timer)
5 First T308 (RELease timer)
6 Second T308 (RELease timer)
10 T316 (RESTart timer)
12 T309 (Layer 2 Failure timer)
16 TM100 (Management Information
Message timer 1)
17 TM200 (Management Information
Message timer 2)
102 TASAI (ASAI Routi ng Tim er)