DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-758EMG-XFER (Emergency Transfer)
System Technician-Demanded T ests: Descripti ons and Error Codes (Single-Carrier)
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the following table. By clearing
error codes associated with the
Battery & Battery Charger Query Test,
example, you may also clear errors g enerated from other tests in the testing
sequence. For example, you may also clear errors generated from other t ests in
the testing sequence.
a. Refer to “DC-POWER” for a description of this test.
b. Refe r to ‘‘EXT -DE V ADMIN? Y (E xternal Device Alarm)’’ for a description of
this test.
c. Refer to ‘‘RING-GEN’’ for a desc ription of this test.
These tests only show up in the test sequenc e if there is a TN768
Tone-Clock Board in the port network being tested.
Emergency Transfer Query Test (#124)
The Emergency Transfer Query Test queries the hardware for the state of the
Emergency Transfer switch (or switches in a d uplicated SPE system) and reports
the result. If the position of the switch in a sing le SPE cabinet or EPN cabinet, or
switches in a duplic ated SPE cabinet, is such that the system software c an
control Emergency Transfer (auto), then the test passes. If the posi tion of the
switch or switches is suc h that the system software cannot control Emergenc y
Transfer (manu al “o n” o r manu al “o ff”) , then the te st fai ls. In the PPN t he SYSAM
controls Emergency Transfer, and in the EPN, the EPN Maintenance circuit pac k
controls Emergency Transfer
Single-Carrier System
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence D/ND1
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestruc tive
Power Query Test (#79) (a) X X ND
Emergency Transfer Query Test (#124) X X ND
External Alarm Lead Query Test (#120) (b) X X ND
Analog Ring Generator Initializ ation Test (#117) (c) X X ND
Analog Ring Generator Query Test (#118) (c) X X ND