DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1303PNC-DUP (PNC Duplication)
In the less common situation when the resolution of a fault on t he standby
renders it more healthy than a simultaneously faulted active PNC, the message
will indicate the type and location of the
Once the interchange c ompletes, the failed c omponent will be on the stand by
PNC. A demand interchange c an be requested in the presence or absenc e of
standby PNC faults. The following sequenc e of actions can be ob served during a
fault-free interchange:
1. The Expansion Interfaces currently acting as archangels in the EPNs are
deactivated as ind icated by the ye llow LEDs going from flashing to on
2. The PPN EIs are interchanged as indicated b y the new standby EI yellow
LED off and the new active EI yellow LED on solid.
3. One by one the EPN EIs are interchanged as indi cated by new stand by EI
yellow LED turning off and the new active EI yellow LED flashing (2
seconds on, 200 millisec onds off). At this point the interchang e is
functionally complete.
4. The SNIs yellow LEDs are updated. so that the SNIs on the active SN have
yellow LEDs on, while the standby SN’s SNIs yellow LEDs turn off.
Certain conditions may interfere with the normal execution of the interchang e:
1. In a faulted spontaneous intercha nge it is possible the EPN/EPNs directly
affected by the fault will b e the last to interchange.
2. A user directly affected by the single fault instigating a PNC interchange
can experience a momentar y outage of voice path c onnectivity during the
3. If faults exist on both the standb y and active PNC, it is possib le to have
some EPNs go out of service while others are returned to servic e.
4. The new standby SNIs yellow LED my not be off due to a fault in the l ine of
communication path to the standby SNIs. In a multi-fault interchang e,
LEDs on the new active SNIs may not be on for the same reason.
In any multifault situation, rely on status pnc to determine whic h is the active
PNC duplication informs Timing Synchroniza tion maintenance when a PNC
interchange has been c ompleted and ind icates which PNC is active. This will
cause Synchronization to audit and insure that the primary source for
synchronization of Tone-Clocks in each PN is supplied by a path assoc iated with
the active PNC.