DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-98display initcauses
display initcauses
display initcauses [print | schedule]
The display initcauses c ommand displays a history of recovery steps taken by
the system.

This command displays in formation for restarts of the active

processor only

. Whenever the processor resets and the system is restar ted,
whether initiated by a techni cian command or b y system software, information
about the recovery is stored. If the reset is escalated, only the reset that
successfully comp letes is recorded. Information about the reset may also be
found in the Error Log. When a reset 4 (reboot) occurs, the Error Log is saved on
the Mass Storage System.
Records of the last 16 restarts are retained in the initc auses log in chronologic al
order. A power failure results in loss of all rec ords in the initcauses log .
The entire initcauses log, consisting of 16 resets, fills one screen.
fiber# The administered number (1 to 27) assoc iated with a fiber link (or fib er link pair
in a duplicated PNC).
Cause This gives the reason for the system reset, as follows:
Agent Request: The restart was requested through the Ag ent/GEMINI
debugger i nterface (not available to craft lo gin).
Craft Request: The reset was initiated using reset system. This includes
resta rts re ques ted th roug h the SPE- Down i nterf ace.
Initialized: This represents a power-up, and is always the first entry in the
log unless more than 15 restarts have occ urred since the last p ower up.
Interchange: A spontaneous interchange was executed by the system
usual ly in r espo nse to a major hard ware f ault o n the a ctiv e SPE.
Maintenance Reset: The SPE wa s rese t by m ainte nanc e soft ware o n the
SYSAM circuit pack. This includes p eriodic resets initiated b y the SYSAM
during SPE-Down mode.