DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-93display errors
The following display shows a typ ical result when disp errors is entered with the
default input settings.
Seq Cnt Sequence Count. These numbers give the ord er in which the errors
were logged. Each seq uence covers a period of one second. Sequence
numbers are assigned to the fi rst and last occurrences of a given error
within the one second per iod given in the time stamp. There may be
gaps in the sequenc e numbers within a given second because the last
occurrence of an error may replace an existing entry and because
sequence numbers are als o assigned to software events not shown in
the hardware error log. This information is d isplayed only if the
high-resolution option is sp ecified on the command l ine.
Last Occur The month, day, hour, and minute (and sec ond if the high-resolution
command line option is use d) of the most recent error. If the system is
unable to retrieve the time of day when the error oc curred, a “dummy”
date will be stamped in the log so as to distinguish it from reliab le data.
It appears as “00/00/01:07”
Err Cnt The total number of times that the error type has oc curred. The
maximum entry displayed is 999.
Err Rt Average hourly rate at which the error has oc curred from the first
occurrence to the p resent. The maximum entry displayed is 999.
Rt/Hr An approximation of the rate at whic h this error occurred i n the last hour.
The maximum entry displayed is 999.
Al St Alarm Status - A character indicating the status of this MO in the error
and alarm logs. The allowed values are:
a Active alarm entry
r Resolved alarm entry
c Resolved alarm entry as a result of the long “c lear” option of
the test command.
s Resolved alarm entry as a result of a software requested
(non-demand) system restart.
t Resolved alarm entry as a result of a technic ian requested
system restart.
n Not alarmed.
Ac A flag (yes or no) indicat ing whether or not the maintenance objec t is
still under active c onsideration by the maintenance sub system.