DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-17SPE Duplication
Standby SPE Availability
The STBY-SPE m ainte nanc e obj ect i s resp onsi ble f or tes ting of the stand by SPE
so that any faults that would prevent it from b eing available for servic e can be
isolated and repaired . Various factors affect the availability of the standb y SPE:
The co ndit ion of the in divi dual hard ware c omp onents of th e stan dby SPE,
including circuit packs, power supplies, cables and other supporting
Loss of power in an SPE due to power supply or power delivery
comp onen ts is d iscu ssed unde r the c ond ition SPE-Down . If a c ircu it pac k
in the stand by SPE t hat is crit ical to c all se rvic e has f ailed , the stand by w ill
not b e abl e to b ecom e act ive. M ainte nanc e test ing of the st andb y SPE
allows isolation and repair of c omponent problems so that the standby can
be made available ag ain.
Standby memory content
Each write operation in active memory i s shadowed to the corresp onding
location in the standb y SPE’s memory. The standby memory should be in
agreement with the active in order to s upport an interchang e that will
preserve call, feature and translation information. Maintenance software
trac king the STBY- SPE MO aim s to ke ep th e two m emori es in agree ment.
Standby State-of-Health (SOH)
The Duplication Interface c ircuit packs maintain a s tate-of-health value
whic h refl ects t he ava ilab ility of the stand by SPE. If the Stand by SPE’s
state-of-health level is too poor, it cannot au tomatically be interchang ed
into (made active).
Stand by SPE-D own
If the stand by SPE i s com plet ely d ead a nd he ld res et by its SYSAM (in
SPE-Down), or the standby SPE has no power, it is unavailable for service.
System Time-of-Day
If the Time-of-Day clock of the standb y SPE is substantially out of synch
with the active, interchanges c ould be more disrup tive to service than
System software running on both active and standby SPEs attempts to ensure
that the standby SPE is kept fully available in ter ms of the above factors. The
health of both the active and standby is tracked as a State-of-Health (SOH)