DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-755EMG-XFER (Emergency Transfer)
EMG-XFER (Emergency Transfer)
The Emergency Transfer maintenance object monitors the p osition of the
Emerg ency Transfe r swit ch(e s) on the SYSAM circ uit p ack (s) in a PPN an d the
EPN Maintenance circuit packs in an EPN. It does not monitor whether or not the
system is actually in Emergency Transfer.
Emergency Transfer (ET) provides the ability to connect d esignated analog
phones to CO trunks when the switch c annot provide minimal ph one service.
Each cabinet (PPN and EPNs) has its own ET capability, and there is one
EMG-XFER maintenance object for each cabinet or stac k of single-carrier
ET is controlled either automatically by the syste m, or manually, depending on
the setting of the ET switches as describ ed below.

Emergency Transfer Switches: EPNs and Simplex


In a si mple x SPE PPN ca bine t, or in an EPN cabinet, if the ET switch is in the “ on”
position, ET is manually invoked and the system has no c ontrol of ET. This will
gene rate a major alar m. In a simp lex SPE PPN cab inet o r in a n EPN ca bine t, if
the ET switch is in the “off” position, ET cannot b e invoked even if the system
requests it. This will generate a warning al arm. Unless a technician is c urrently
working on the cabinet, the sw itches should be left in the auto position, giving
control of ET to the system.

Emergency Transfer Switches: Duplicated SPEs

On a system with duplicated SPE, the switches on both SYSAMs must be in the
manual “on” position to ma nually invoke ET, generating a major alarm. If the
switc h on e ither SYSAM is in the manual “off” p osition, ET cannot be invoked,
generating a warning alarm. Other settings give c ontrol to the system.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to Run1
1. UU is the universal cabine t number as listed in the PORT field of the Alar m or Error Log.
Full Name of MO
EMG-XFER MAJOR test environment UU Emergency Transfer
EMG-XFER WARNING test environment UU Emergency Transfer