DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-368upgrade software
As the command prog resses, results of each step are disp layed with
corresponding error codes. The entire process takes ab out 10 minutes. While the
system is saving translations the following progress message is displayed and
updated every 10 se conds:
Maximum remaining translation save time: 03 mins 20 secs
A success or failure result is disp layed. If the following messag e appears, system
software is corrupted; follow nor mal escalation proced ures.
Error encountered; can’t complete request
Simplex SPE
The following display shows a typ ical result when upgrade software is executed
on a system with a simplex SPE.
Step Each step in the upgrad e execution is disp layed after it occurs:
1. disable maintenanc e: This step prevents period ic maintenance
from interfering with the upgrad e (similar to the disable all
2. save translation: Saves a copy of the current translation to the
primary MSS device
3. reboot processor: Reboots the processor, causing a temporary
service outage.
4. If the upgrad e is successful, Command successfully
completed is
displayed. Instead , the terminal is logged off the
system and must be logged in again.
Results This displays whether the step was s uccessful or not. Possible values
are: PA SS, FAIL, or SKIPPED . SKIPPED o nly o ccu rs for the sa ve
translation step when the current version i s newer than the version on
the primary MSS device, causing this step to be bypassed.
Error Code If a step fails, this field d isplays a code ind icating the reason. See the
following table.
upgrade software
Upgrade Step Results Error Code
disable maintenance PASS
save translation PASS
reboot processor PASS