DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-107display system-parameters maintenance
Origination to
OSS Numbers
Indicates one of four options for alarm origination (neither):
If “both,” all Major and Minor alarms result in an automatic ca ll
to both OSS telephone numbers. Both OSS telephone
numbers must be administered.
If “first-only,” all Major and Minor alar ms result in an automatic
call to the first OSS number only. The switch does not call the
second OSS telephone number even if the n umber is
administered. The first OSS telephone number must b e
If “neither,” alarm orig ination does not take plac e. Warning
alarms are not reported to either numb ers.
If “second-as-b ackup,” all Majo r and Minor alarms result in an
automatic call to the first OSS telephone numb er. If calling the
first OSS telephone number fails four attempts, the switc h
starts to call the second OSS telephone number as a backup
until calling the first OSS telephone numbe r becomes
successful. Both OSS telephone numbers m ust be
Before Release 5, the name of this field is “Alarm Orig ination
Activated.” If Alarm Orig ination is deactivated , both Cleared Alarm
Notification and Restart Notification are d isabled, even thoug h
they may still be activated i n the administration.
Cleared Alarm
Notification Enables the switch to originate a c all to the OSS and send an
alarm resolution message whenever all previous ly reported Major
and Minor alarms are resolved. Alarm Origination must be
activated in order for Cleared Alarm Notification to work. (no)
Notification Enables the switch to originate a c all to the OSS and report any
system restarts caused by problems with the switch.
Threshold The threshold for suspending C leared Alarm Notification. Some
problems may cause alarms to be generated and then resolved
repeatedly. To detect thes e problems (by not send ing additional
Cleared Alarm notifications to ind icate a problem- fr ee system),
the switch suspends Cleared Alarm Notification when it has
reported this administrab le number of Cleared Alarm noti fications
in a 24 hour period. A susp ended Cleared Alarm Notific ation is
only enabled again with a successfully comp leted “logoff”
command, a system reset, or when the threshold is c hanged. This
field is irrelevant if Cleared Alarm Notific ation or Alarm Origination
is disabled. The possib le range of threshold v alues is between 1
and 15.
Test Remote
Access Port Spec ifies wheth er te sting of th e rem ote ac ces s po rt on t he SYSAM
circuit pac k is enabled. This field should b e set to “yes” whenever
there is an INADS line connected to the swit ch and there is a
maintenance contract in ef fect so that alarm origination c apability
is maintained.