DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1284PMS-LINK (Property Management System Link)
The PMS d evic e is p owere d off.
The data extension to which the PMS device co nnects has been
busied out.
Check the connectivity of wire and cable among wall jac ket, data module,
and the PMS device. Enter status data <extension> and verify that the
data extension of the PMS device is in in-servic e/idle state. If the data
extension is not available, then refer to
Procedures for Restoring the PMS Link
d. There has been no communication b etween the switch and the PMS for a
period of time spec ified in ‘‘system hospitality’’ adm inistration. The PMS
Link is torn down. To clear this error, refer to
Procedures for Restoring the PMS Link
e. The link was taken down because the switc h could not receive an
incoming message from the PMS. The message from the PMS repeatedly
had corrupted data or the switch received requests for acknowledg ment
but never received a messag e to be processed. I f this error type occurs
frequently (more than once a month), ad vise the customer to call the
vendor of the PMS to check out the PMS device. Onc e the PMS Link is
successfully establishe d, this error disappears f rom the Hardware Error
f. The link was taken down because the switc h could not send an outg oing
message. The message, which was sent b ut not acknowledged , was
flushed. If this error type occ urs frequently (more than once a month),
advise the customer to ca ll the vendor of the PMS to check out the PMS
device. Once the PMS Link is succ essfully established, this error
disappears from the Hardware Error Log.
g. The PMS has been busied out for maintenance at the request of the PMS.
The PMS Link is torn down. The reason code (N), if present, is that
supplied b y the PMS in the request message. If this error type recurs
frequently (that is, more than once a month), ad vise the customer to call
the vendor of the PMS to check out the PMS device. O nce the PMS Link is
successfully establishe d, this error disappears f rom the Hardware Error
Log. No alarm is raised ag ainst this error.
h. Due to either heavy call traffic, or the PMS protocol message rate b eing
faster than the PMS/PBX protocol specifications allow, the PMS Link is torn
down. PMS Link maintenance software will wait for five minutes befo re
attempting to set up the link a gain. If this error type occ urs frequently
(more than once a month), advise the c ustomer to call the vendor of the
PMS to check out the PMS device. Once the PMS Link is success fully
established, this error disap pears from the Hardware Error Log. The PMS
should be chec ked for adherence to messag e rate defined in the
PMS/PBX protocol specifications. No alarm is raised against this error.
i. The attempt to swap the database b etween PBX and PMS failed three
times consecutively du e to excessive PMS/PBX protocol violations, buffer
overflows, or PMS Link outages. The PMS Link is NOT torn down. If this
error type occurs freq uently (more than once a month), advise the