DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-91display errors
For more information see ‘‘Common Input Parameters’’ at the beginning of this
Input Form
This form specifies which errors d isplay on the report. When all selec tions have
been made, press EN TER. If no selections are made, or if the sc hedule option is
specified, all errors from the last d ay that are associated with ac tive alarms
display (or print).
Error Type The report can be restricted to sp ecific error codes. This field d efaults to
all errors.
Error List The report can be restricted to errors from one of three lists d escribed
below: active-alarms, errors, or cleared-errors. Default is active-alarms.
Interval Specifies error records fo r the last month, hour, day, week, or all errors
(m, h, d, w, a). The default is all.
From Specifies error records starting from the time specified b y
mm/dd/hh/mm (month/day/hour/minu te). If no “from” date is entered ,
errors from the earliest record in the log are displayed.
To Specifies all error records up to the time specified by mm/dd/hh/mm. If
no “to” date is entered , all errors up to the current d ate are displayed.
Type To limit the report to a specific group of comp onents, enter the location
of a type of equipment in one of the following fields. If no entry is mad e,
errors for the entire system are display ed.
Cabinet: Enter the cabinet numbe r (1-22).
Port Network Number: 1-22
Board Number: Enter the cabinet- carrier-slot address of the c ircuit
pack (for example, 11c 04). If the cabinet numb er i omitted, it
defaults to 1.
Port: Enter the cabinet-carrier-slot-ci rcuit address of the port (for
example, 11c0408). If the cab inet number is omitted, the system will
default to 1.
Category: errors for a partic ular equipment categ ory. See the list of
alarm and error categories at the beginning of this c hapter. The
HELP key displays a list of categories.
Extension: Enter the extension number of a port.
Trunk (group/member): Enter a trunk group numb er, or a trunk group
and member number sep arated by a slash (for exampl e, 78 or 78/1).