DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-67clear link n

This command can mask ac tual hardware problems sinc e firmware is

cleared and ap pears as if no problems were ever enc ountered.

For more information see Common Output Fields at the beginning of this chapter.
clear link n
This c omman d cl ears the c ounte rs ass oci ated with a numb ered PPP C-LAN link .
The clear clan-port c ommand accomp lishes the same thing. The statistical
counters cannot be c leared for an Ethernet C-LAN link.
clear pgate-port
clear pgate-port UUCSSpp
The clear pgate-port comm and clears the hardware error counters as sociated
with the specified p acket gateway por t by performing a reset. If the number of
the link assigned to the por t is known, clear link accomp lishes the same thing.
For more information see Common Input Parameters and Common Outp ut Fields
at the beginning of this c hapter.
disable suspend-alm-orig
This command disables one or more active Suspend Alarm Orig ination entries.
disable suspend -alm-orig (board lo cation).
disable suspend-alm-orig 1C03
disable suspend-alm-orig 1E07
UUCSS The specified location must b e occupied b y an SNI, SNC or DS1C circuit
pack. All circuit packs on the standby PNC can be cleared at once by
specifying a- or b -pnc. To do so, the stand by PNC must first be busied out.