DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-194restore disk
restore disk
restore disk active incremental
The out come s are d ispl ayed for ea ch SPE.
spe-a This specifies a restore from the A carrier tap e device to the A carrier d isk
spe-b This specifies a restore from the B carrier tap e device to the B carrier d isk
active This specifies a restore on the acti ve SPE.
standby This sp eci fies a restor e on th e stan dby SPE.
both This sp eci fies a r estor e on b oth SPEs. If the MSS on eit her SPE is
inac cess ible , the re store will a bort on bo th SPEs.
either This sp eci fies a restor e on b oth SPEs. If the s tand by SPE is i nacc essi ble,
the active SPE only will be restored.
incremental This specifies that all data on tap e marked “good ” that has a date newer
than the date on the disk b e copied to the disk from the tape.
full This specifies that all data b e copied to the d isk regardless of the dates
and the status of the data (e.g., “ good” or “ bad”).
Processor This id enti fies t he pr oces sor c arrier that w as ba cked up ( SPE-A or
This field displays one of various s elf-explanatory messages ind icating
the success or failure of the c ommand.