DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-44ANL-16-L (16-Port Analog Line)
ANL-16-L (16-Port Analog Line)
The circuit packs listed below provide 16 analog line ports for single-line voic e
terminals. The table below indicates which circuit packs ar e equipped with
lightning protect ion (for off-premises, out-of -building stations), and which ones
support the neon messag e waiting lamp feature.
No maintenance of the terminal connec ted to the 16-Port Neon Analog Line
circuit pack is performed, excep t to determine whether or not the terminal is
connected. Failures of the neon messag e waiting lamp power and the common
ringing app lication circuitry are rep orted as part of comm on port circuit p ack
errors ; see e rrors 1281 a nd 17 93 in t he “XXX- BD (Co mmon Po rt Cir cuit Pack)

Ringing Caused by Maintenance Testing

Test #48 may cause some terminal equipment to ring briefly during d aily
maintenance. If this ringing is disturbing the c ustomer or the terminal equipment,
it should be disab led in the Tests field of the change station extension form. Be
aware that this action will also disab le Tests #6, 7, 161 and 35.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to
1. UU is the universal cabinet number (1 for PPN, 2 -44 for EPNs). C is the carrier
designation (A, B, C, D, or E). SS is the number of the slot in which the circuit pack resides
(01 to 21). pp is the two digit port number (01, 02, ...).
Full Name of MO
ANL-16-L MIN test port UUCSSpp l 16-Port Analog Line
ANL-16-L WRN test port UUCSSpp sh 16-Port Analog Line
16-Port Analog Line Circuit Packs
Pack Off-
Premises Neon
TN468B y
TN746 y
TN746B y y
TN2135 y
TN2144 y
TN2149 y
TN2180 y