DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-103Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Repair
Procedure 1
Procedure 1 determines whether any c ircuit packs that use the p acket bus have
faults. For each circuit pac k type in Table 5-8 proceed through the steps b elow.
Check the circuit p ack in the order presented by the flowchart which ap pears
earlier in this discussion unless newly i nserted circuit p acks are involved. Newly
added boa rds are the most likely cause of a prob lem.
1. Display errors and display alarms for the circu it pack.
2. For any errors or alarms, follow the repair actions reco mmended in
Chapter 9, ‘‘Maintenance Object Repair Procedures’’.
3. After following the recommended repair actions,

whether they succeed or


, determine if the pac ket bus fault is resolved. If so, you are finished .
4. If the packet bus fault is st ill present, apply this p rocedure to the next
circuit pack.
5. If there are no more circuit pack s in the list, go to Procedure 2.
Procedure 2
Procedure 2 removes and reinserts
circuit packs (purple slots), and the
Expansion Interface one or several at a time. Use Proced ure 2 for each port
circuit pack in t he port network until the probl em is resolved


all port circuit
packs have been tried .
The Expansion Interface circuit pac k should be the last one chec ked since
removing it disconnec ts the EPN. To check an active Expansion Interface in
a system with duplicated PNC, use reset pnc interchange to make it the
standby. (Always check the s tatus of the standby before exe cuting an
Table 5-8. Packet Circuit Packs
Circuit Pack Name Circuit Pack Code Associated Maintenance Objects
Maintenance/Test TN771D M/T-BD, M/T-PKT
Packe t Gate w ay TN577 PGATE- B D, PGATE- PT
Packet Data TN553 PDATA-BD, PDATA-PT
Universal DS1 TN464F UDS1-BD, ISDN-LNK
Packet Interface TN1655 PKT-INTF
Expan sion I nterf ace TN570 EXP-I NTF