DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-23SPE Duplication
alarms, minor alarms and warning alarms have no effect on memory shado wing
or on t he SOH o f the s tand by SPE.
When ha ndsh ake c ommun icat ion is dow n, bu t the s tand by SPE is not in
SPE-down mode (SOH is not
), aut onomo us tes ting of sta ndb y SPE
components by the SMM occ urs on the standby SPE. If a component fails a tes t
while handshake is down,
its red LED is lit and the standb y SOH is lowered to
A stan dby SPE comp onent is consid ered to be testable if it can be tested with
the usual maintenance command s from a management terminal con nected to an
ACTIVE connector on the SPE. In this condition, full maintenance software for it is
running in the active SPE and the error/alarm data for it is up to date. Table 1-6
give s test abil ity re quire ment s for t he var ious SPE c omp onent s.
Table 1-5. Effects of Major Alarms on Shadowing and Standby SOH
Component SOH Effect Shadowing Effect
PROCR partially functional no effect
MEM-BRD partially functional shadowing kept off
SW-CTL partially functional shadowing kept off
SYSAM partially func tional no effect
PKT-INT partially functional shadowing kept off
DUPINT no effect shad owing kept off
DUP-CHL no effect shadowing kep t off
HOST-ADAPTER no effect no effec t
DISK no effect no effect
TAPE no effect no effect