DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-166monitor system
tot_fts_req This field represents the total fiber time slots th at have been
requested. This field is inc remented each time a fiber time slots
that have been allocated since the last top of the hour
measurements polling. There are three values shown on the form;
one for each of the requested pnns. This field represents real-time
status data.
ts_count This field indicates how many time slot s are in use during the last
100 second poling period. An internal timer c ausing polling to
occur every 100 second s. The value in this field represents the
requests for time slots during that 100 second interim. There are
three numbers displayed for this field on the form; one for eac h of
the pnns requested. This field represents real-time status data.
ts_total This field gets it’s value from the time slots c ount field discussed
above every 100 seconds. It represents the total number of time
slots requested since the top of the last hour and is real-time status
fts_count This field indicates how many fib er time slots are in use during the
last 100 second poling period. An internal timer c ausing polling to
occur every 100 second s. The value in this field represents the
requests for fiber time slots d uring that 100 second i nterim. There
are three numbers displayed for this field on the form; one for each
of the pnns requested. This field represents real-time status data.
fts_total This field indicates the total numb er of fiber time slots. This field
gets it’s value from the fiber time slots count fie ld discussed above
every 100 seconds. It represents the total number of fiber time slots
requested since the top of the last hour and is real-time status d ata.
TTRs The total number of touch tone receivers req uested is reflected in
this field. It is a running c ount of currently active request s. It is
decremented when a tone rec eiver is freed and inc remented when
they are requested. Note that this field applies strictl y to the TN748
board. This field repres ents real-time status data.
CPTRs The total number of call prog ress tone receivers requested is
reflected in this field. It is a running count of currentl y active
requests. It is decremente d when a call prog ress tone receiver is
freed and incremented when they are requested. Note that this
field applies stric tly to the TN748 board. This field rep resents
real-time status data.
CPTRs The total number of call prog ress tone receivers requested is
reflected in this field. It is a running count of currentl y active
requests. It is decremente d when a call prog ress tone receiver is
freed and incremented when they are requested. Note that this
field applies stric tly to the TN744 board. This field rep resents
real-time status data.