DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1554SW-CTL (Switch Control)
2. If no other SW-CTL errors are present, run the test switch-control
a|b long clear command and investigate those failures.
d. A 257 error is logged when the Switch Control circuit report s that tests of
its internal memory (RAM or ROM) have failed. The receipt of this error
causes Switch Control maintenance to run sp ecific Switch Control tests. If
there is a problem, the Switch Control tests will normally c ause other errors
to be logged . In the rare case where no other errors are logg ed but 257
errors are occurring at a hig h rate (more than 10 in the last hour) the
MSSNET circuit pack should be replac ed during a time that would cause
the least service disrupti on. If the system is equippe d with the High
Reliability or Critical Reliability Configurati on this can be done immed iately
since a MSSNET circuit pack on the standby SPE can be replaced without
affecting service.
e. A 769 error occurs when the Switch Control rep orts a loss of timing signals
to the SPE. When t his e rror i s pre sent, the Sw itch Contr ol wil l not norm ally
be alarmed since any Switch Control test failures are really the result of
faulty signals from the Tone/Clock circuit pack. See “ TDM-CLK” for the
procedures needed to diagnose Tone/Clock circuit p ack troubles.
f. A 1025 error indicates that there has been a failure of the Control Channel
Interface Test (#92). Refer to the diagnostics for that test to clear the
g. A 1281 error is called a Switc h Control handshake error. It is an in-line
error not produced b y any test. The Aux Data for this error is not
meaningful. This error can be ign ored.
The receipt of this errors causes Switch Control maintenanc e to run
specific Switch Control tests . If there is a problem, the Switch Control tests
would cause other errors to be log ged. 1281 errors d o not cause alarms
so there is no specific ac tion that can be taken when these errors are
h. A 1537 error indicates that the Switch Control Reset test (#92) failed . A
MAJOR alarm is raised if this test fails. Refer to the repair p rocedures for
the Switch Control Reset test (#93).
i. A 1793 error is an in-line error that indicates a p ossible problem with the
inter fac e bet ween the Swi tch Contr ol and the SPE. The Au x Dat a for t his
error is not meaningful. The receipt of this error c auses Switch Control
maintenance to run specifi c Switch Control tests. If there is a problem , the
Switch Control tests will normally cause other errors to b e logged. In the
rare case where no other errors are logged but 1793 errors are occurring
at a high rate (more than 10 in the last hour) the MSSNET circuit pack
should be replac ed during a time that would cause the least service
disruption. If the system is equi pped with the Hig h Reliability or Critical
Reliability Configuration this can b e done immediately sinc e a MSSNET
circuit pack on th e standby SPE can be replaced without affecting servic e.
j. A 2561 error indicates that a software messag e buffer for downlink por t
board messages has overflowed and those messages were thrown away.
The Aux Data for this error is not meaningful. The SPE is sending more