DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-40Automatic Transmission Measurement System (ATMS)

If there is an alarm or problem suspec ted on the Tape or Disk Circuit packs

do not save translations or announcements to the affec ted device. If there is

an alarm or problem susp ected with the Host Adap ter circuit, do not sav e

data to either MSS device. Saving data und er these circumstanc es can

destroy good c opies of the file. If necessary, obtain a sp are tape cartridg e

to save data.

To remove power to the cabinet:
1. If the cabinet is the PPN, execute save translation and sa ve
announcement unless a tape drive p roblem is active.
2. Set the Emergency Transfer switch(es) in the affected cabi net to ON. In
the PPN t hese a re loc ated on th e SYSAM c irc uit p ack( s). Set bot h in a
syste m with dup lic ated SPE. In an EPN the s witc h is l ocat ed on the EPN
Maintenance circuit p ack. This locks the system in the emerg ency transfer
mode until the trouble is cleared .
3. Depending on whic h type of cabinet yo u are powering down, d o one of
the following:
In an AC-Powered multi-carrier cabinet, set the c ircuit breaker to
OFF at the Power Distribution Unit.
In a DC-Powered multi-carrier cabinet, turn off the DC Power
In an AC-Powered single-carrier cab inet stack, turn off the power in
each affected c arrier individually. The ON/OFF switch is located at
the back of the carrier b ehind the WP-91153 Power Unit.
In a DC-Powered single-carrier cabinet stack, turn off the power in
each affected c arrier individually. The ON/OFF switch is located at
the back of the carrier b ehind the 676B Power Unit.
4. Power is restored by reversing the action taken above.
When restoring power to a PPN, the system will reboot. When restoring
power to an EPN, the EPN will under go a restart. This process is
desc rib ed un der EXP-PN in Chapter 9, ‘‘AB RI-PORT (ASAI ISDN-BRI
If a powered down c arrier contains a 676B Power Unit, the 676B must
have been powered d own for at least 10 seconds for the unit to restar t.
Automatic Transmission Measurement System (ATMS)
The ATMS performs transmission tests on analog trunks to determine whether
they are performing satisfac torily. The switch automatically originates test c alls
from an Originating Test Line (OTL), over the trunks to be tested, to a Terminating