DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-302status spe
status spe
status spe [print]
The status spe command d isplays a page of outp ut summarizing the cond ition of
the ac tive and s tand by (i f the s ystem is du plic ated ) SPE(s) in the syste m. If t he
SPEs are n ot dup lic ated , the field s in t he sta ndb y SPE col umn wi ll be blan k.
Duplicated? This fi eld s pec ifies wheth er the syste m is a dup lex SPE sy stem ( "yes" or
Selected: If the system is a duplex SPE system, this field disp lays which SPE is
locked active b y the position of the duplic ation interface circ uit pack
Selec t-swi tche s. If "s pe a l ocke d ac tive" is disp laye d, th en th e SPE in
cabinet 1 and c arrier A has been locked ac tive (both dupli cation
interface circuit p ack switches are switched left). If "spe b locked ac tive"
is di spla yed, then t he SPE in c abi net 1 a nd c arrie r B has been lock ed
active (both dup lication interface circ uit pack switches a re switched
right). If "auto" is displayed, it means the switc hes are in any other
combination of positions b esides both left or b oth right. If blanks are
displayed, the system is not a duplex SPE system (there are no
duplication interface boards).
Busied? This field specifies whether the stand by SPE is busied out ("yes" or "no").
Blank s are d isp layed if th e syst em is n ot a d uple x SPE syst em.
Refreshed? This field specifies whether the stand by SPE’s memory has been
completely refreshed ("yes" or "no"). Blanks are displayed if the system is
not a duplex SPE system.
Shadowing: This field specifies whether the stand by SPE’s memory is currently being
updated when c hanges are made to the active SPE’s memory ("on" or
"off"). B lanks are d ispl ayed if the syste m is no t a du plex SPE syste m.
Handshake: This fi eld s pec ifies wheth er the soft ware r unnin g on t he sta ndb y SPE’s
duplication interfac e board is communic ating to the software on the
acti ve SPE’s d upl icat ion in terfa ce b oard ("up" or "down "). Bla nks ar e
displayed if the system i s not a duplex SPE system.