DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1147PDATA-PT (Packet Data Line Port)
Locating MOs When the Data Application Link Fails
This sequence of steps should be used if the app lication is experiencin g
problems and the health of the p orts is unknown.
1. Using column three of the comman ds table below, find the c ommand to
display the status of the app lication link. Enter the command to c onfirm
the health of the link. If the command req uires a data-module extension,
enter list data-module to determine the extension.
2. If column two of the table bel ow shows there is a link MO for the
application, enter display alarms and display errors. If there are alarms
or errors against the MO, follow the repair p rocedures for that MO.
3. Using column 4 of the table b elow, find the command to d isplay the
extension of the applicatio n link. Enter the command and record the
4. Enter status data-module ext for the extension found in the previous step.
Record any connected ports.
5. If there are connected ports enter display port UUCSSpp and rec ord the
extension for each port. The equip ment type displayed sho uld be SYSTEM
PORT DATA MODULE. Run status data-module ext for the connected
port. Record the associat ed PDATA port.
6. If there are no connected po rts, follow the steps in

Testing the Syste m Port


above to isolate or exonerate the system p orts.
7. For each port, applic ation extension, and connec ted Data Line and PDATA
ports, check the alar m and error logs for entries against thes e ports.
Follow the repair procedures for eac h port with problems.
8. Enter list sys-link and look for a SAP-type link with a port location that
matches the PDATA port. Check the alarm and error logs for entries
agai nst th e SYS-LINK . Follo w repa ir pr oced ures f or SYS-LI NK pro blem s.
Locating MOs When Only a Problem Port Is Known
A system port problem may o riginate in any of the following three comp onents.
You may not know at first which is causing the prob lem.
The application port
The PDATA po rt
The Data Line port